EOR Solutions

Liberia Employer of Record (EOR) Services

Compliantly hire and pay employees in Liberia. 

No in-country entity needed.

Breedj offers employer of record solutions in Liberia. Through the Breedj platform, businesses of all sizes can compliantly hire and pay local nationals and expats alike.

Our platform provides a range of comprehensive solutions that simplifies EOR processes, allowing your business to operate seamlessly and in full compliance with local employment laws.

Ease of doing business in Liberia

Navigating the Liberian business environment requires local insights, especially given its 175th ranking out of 190 countries in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index for 2020. While this ranking does indicate challenges, it shouldn’t discourage ventures that are well-prepared and backed by expert guidance. That’s where Breedj can provide invaluable assistance. 

We help businesses understand and navigate Liberia’s unique business landscape, from dealing with tax compliance to understanding operational best practices. Our local team of experts in Liberia is well-equipped to advise you at every step, enabling you to capitalize on business opportunities that might otherwise be overlooked due to regulatory or bureaucratic challenges.

Hiring in Liberia

Setting up an independent business entity in Liberia can be an onerous process. The bureaucratic hoops can be overwhelming, not to mention the risks associated with failing to comply with local employment laws. The alternative Breedj’s Employer of Record services offers a way around these complications. 

By using our EOR services, you can swiftly onboard local staff in Liberia while ensuring that you’re in full compliance with all labor laws and regulations. This streamlined approach eliminates the need to deal with administrative and legal bottlenecks, making your entry into the Liberian market far more focused and effective.

Country fact sheet


Liberian dollar (LRD)




5.1 million (2021)


West Africa



Official languages


Compliance guaranteed

Breedj's local employment expertise in Liberia

By partnering with Breedj, you can eliminate the need to establish an in-country entity, and thus, saving valuable time and resources while benefiting from our local expertise to guarantee full compliance for your business operations.

Our platform has been designed to seamlessly take care of every aspect of the local employment environment, while you focus on your core operations.

Employment contracts

We handle employment contracts for both global employees and contractors.

Guaranteed compliance

Breedj ensures full compliance with your workers' local labor laws.

Global payroll

Our platform ensures accurate and timely international salary payments.

Legal expertise

Leverage Breedj's extensive expertise to navigate diverse employment laws.

Tax & contributions

Breedj handles tax & mandatory contributions as required by local labor laws.

Multiple currencies

Your workers are paid in their local currency, directly to their bank account.

Statutory labor laws in Liberia

Understanding Liberia’s statutory labor laws is non-negotiable for any business with aspirations to operate in the country. The laws cover a range of employment conditions, such as:

Employee Probation Period: Typically in Liberia, an employee is subject to a probation period that cannot exceed three months. This period serves as an evaluation time for both the employer and the employee to determine suitability for permanent employment.

Annual Leave Entitlements: Employees in Liberia are entitled to a minimum of 15 working days of paid annual leave following a year of continuous service. This leave can be a crucial aspect of employee welfare and retention.

Maternity Leave: Liberia’s labor laws mandate 90 days of maternity leave for female employees, which includes both pre-natal and post-natal periods. Employers are expected to be fully compliant with these provisions.

Paternity Leave: While Liberia does not legally mandate paternity leave, many employers choose to offer this as part of their benefits package. The terms are usually subject to company policy.

Sick Leave: An employee is generally entitled to two weeks of fully paid sick leave per year, provided that valid medical documentation is furnished.

Breedj’s Employer of Record services in Liberia ensures that your business remains in complete compliance with these and other statutory labor laws, freeing you up to focus on what really matters—your core business operations.

Labor regulations

Annual leave

15 days

Sick leave

2 weeks

Maternity leave

3 months

Paternity leave


Employee probation

Up to 3 months

Choose an EOR platform with a sustainable vision.

Become part of a collective effort to shape a more sustainable world and directly contribute to the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).

Social security in Liberia

Participation in the Liberian social security system is not optional; it is a mandatory requirement for all employers. The system demands employer contributions of approximately 4.5% of the employee’s gross monthly earnings, and an employee contribution of around 3%. These funds are channeled towards benefits like retirement pensions and disability benefits. Ensuring compliance with these obligations can be a serious headache, especially for businesses unfamiliar with the local laws and systems. 

This is where Breedj can step in to relieve you of this burden. We handle every nuance of social security compliance, right from the initial enrollment process through to the calculation and timely submission of monthly contributions.

In summary, Breedj’s all-encompassing EOR services offer businesses a streamlined, risk-mitigated way to set up and run operations in Liberia. We take care of the labor laws, social security obligations, and the myriad other details that could otherwise distract from your core business goals. Contact Breedj today to explore how we can enable your successful business expansion into Liberia.

Breedj's platform

Current coverage

54 countries

Focus region


Salary payments

Supports multiple currencies

Time to market

Onboard workers in less than 24 hours

Related solutions


What they say about Breedj

Breedj streamlined our global hiring process, making it easy to find and pay remote talents. Our team loves how the platform handles payments and compliance.

George D. France

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Olivia S. United Kingdom

Thanks to Breedj, expanding our team internationally was a breeze. Their expertise in compliance and payroll made the whole experience stress-free and efficient.

Valorie A. Belgium

Breedj's platform is a game-changer for our remote workforce management. Their compliance solutions and excellent support team make the process stress-free.

Dieter G. Germany

Choosing Breedj was a smart move for our budget. Their affordable services allowed us to hire and pay global talent without breaking the bank. Good compliance solution.

Huang L. China

Breedj's cost-effective solutions transformed our hiring strategy. We save significantly on administrative expenses, making them an invaluable asset for our remote workforce needs.

Hannah M. Canada

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Yua H. Japan

As a startup, cost efficiency is paramount. Breedj not only helped us hire globally but also offered cost-effective solutions that positively impacted our bottom line. Truly grateful!

Isaac D. USA

Global expansion simplified

Confidently expand to Liberia

Breedj stands out as the preferred global employment solutions provider for several reasons, offering organizations a competitive edge with a range of scalable global employment solutions.

Cost effective

Drastically reduce administrative and overhead costs related to managing global employees.

100% compliant

Stay up to date with the ever changing global legislations, policies and local labor laws.

Peace of mind

Get direct access to our global employment experts to mitigate legal risks and penalties.

Fast-track market entry

Bypass the complexities associated with establishing a branch office or in-country.

Help emerging countries

Encourage growth and uplift lesser served regions by giving a job to talented remote professionals.

Support United Nations development goals

Directly support at least four sustainable development goals, simply by using our platform.