Privacy Policy

This document constitutes the policy for the processing of personal data of the user (“User”) of the Breedj website ( including any other variation of the website, such as the website, etc…), hereinafter the “Site”, operated by the company Breedj Ltd and/or, where applicable, its parent company, sister companies and/or subsidiaries, hereinafter “Breedj”. Unless otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, the terms used herein have the same meaning as in the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use of the Site. The consultation of the Site, registration, ordering and use, whether free of charge or payable, of the services, content and functionalities provided directly or indirectly by the Site, imply the User’s unreserved acceptance of the present Privacy Policy and the consent of the User to the processing of his/her personal data.

In order to offer the best experience as a professional networking platform and to satisfy a need of transparency, Breedj endeavours to allow a right of inspection on the processing of the data collected and to inform Users of their rights on the data and the modalities of exercising said rights.

Data protection

1. Data protection
The purpose of the processing : All information provided by the Users to Breedj via the Site or other means and all data relating to the Users are necessary for the purpose of their processing, including the use of the Site, access to the services, improvement of the Site, connecting Users with each other, the User experience, personalizing communication with Users according to their preferences, and eventually, sending postal and electronic mail for prospecting purposes. 

The relevance of the information collected : The personal data are collected and processed lawfully, fairly, legitimately and in a transparent manner. The data collected by Breedj are adequate, relevant and not excessive with regard to the purposes for which they are collected.

The retention of personal data : The retention of personal data is necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, and to satisfy legal, accounting or reporting requirements. The data of the users are kept by Breedj as long as they remain users of the platform and website. In addition, the data are kept by Breedj for a period of five years from the closing of the account of the user or the end of the contractual relationship. However, the Users may request the deletion of their personal data at the following address: This may result to the impossibility for the users to access the services or features of the Site.

The data controller and the access to the data : For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Breedj is the controller of the personal data. However, Breedj may use the services of service providers to process the data more efficiently. Breedj is the main recipient of the data collected. However, third party companies or third
parties may intervene in particular to facilitate the provision of the service, or to provide the service on behalf of Breedj. The latter only have access to the data insofar as they are entitled and authorized to do so, and to meet the purpose of the processing as well as the applicable legal obligations. They are also required to keep the information confidential. To this end, only duly authorized recipients may access the information necessary for their activities within the framework of an access management policy. 

Security and confidentiality : Breedj endeavours to implement the necessary means to protect the processing of personal data to avoid any access by unauthorized third parties and to prevent any loss, alteration or disclosure of data. However, the user acknowledges that no method of control, transmission or electronic storage can be 100% secure and agrees that Breedj is unable to guarantee the absolute security of personal information collected from the user.

Data Transfer : Data may be transferred and/or stored in a territory other than the user’s region, province or country of residence. The user consents to the transfer and/or storage of data. The user is also a key stakeholder in ensuring the protection of his/her personal information. In the event of knowledge of a breach of security or confidentiality, the user must inform Breedj as soon as possible.

Information and rights of the Users : Prior to the implementation of its processing, and at the latest when the user registers on the website by accepting our applicable Terms and Conditions of Use, the data subject is informed about the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data, and the recipients of
this processing as well as of his/her rights. The necessary means are implemented by Breedj to ensure that Users can access, rectify and delete their personal data when they request it. The data can be rectified, completed, updated, locked or deleted when they are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated or
when their collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited. The User has the right to access, rectify and object to the information concerning him/her by sending an email to the following address:

In case of request for deletion of data, it is however specified that these may be kept in the
archives to meet legal obligations in terms of evidence and security.


Cookie policy

Management of cookies : A “Cookie” is a connexion indicator that designates a text file that can be saved in a dedicated area on the hard disk of the User’s Terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, telephone, etc.), in particular during the consultation or access to a service or feature of the Site. A Cookie file allows its issuer to identify the Terminal in which it is saved, for the duration of the validity or saving of the Cookie. Cookies are implanted in the User’s computer when he/she connects to the Site. By using the Site, the User consents to the use of Cookies. The User can set his/her browser to refuse certain cookies. If Cookies are disabled or refused by the User, he/she is informed that certain parts, services or functionalities of the Site may become inaccessible or not function properly.

What is the purpose of Cookies on our Site?
When the User connects to the Site, we may install various cookies in the terminal of the User, subject to the choice of the User, allowing us to recognize the User’s Terminal browser during the period of validity of the Cookie concerned. The Cookies we issue are used for the purposes described below, subject to the choice of the User, which result from the settings of his/her browser software used when visiting our Site. 

The types of cookies used by Breedj:
– Cookies strictly necessary for the operation of the website
These Cookies allow you to access to the reserved and personal areas of our Site, such as your account, thanks to identifiers or data that you may have previously given us. These Cookies are useful for the implementation of security measures, for example when you are asked to sign in again to a content or service after a certain amount of time. If these Cookies are disabled, the Site cannot function properly. These Cookies are deposited exclusively by Breedj.

Functionality cookies
Functionality Cookies allow to optimize the functioning of the Site and to access to a more fluid navigation corresponding to the needs of the User. These Cookies are then deposited by Breedj for a short period of time for the majority during the session time, and a maximum of thirteen months. These Cookies include the following: Cookies for personalizing content and the user experience. These Cookies collect the number of open sessions, the number of clicks, the number of conversions and allow for the creation of heat maps.

Cookies for audience measurement (Google Analytics)
These Cookies collect anonymous information about how visitors use the Site and monitor the performance of the Site. For example, performance Cookies tell us which pages are popular on our Site, monitor traffic to our Site, and compile anonymous analytical information. Performance Cookies may also be used to identify and fix problems with the operation of our Site, improve the usefulness and usability of our Services.

Sharing Cookies
We may include computer applications from third parties on our Site, which allow you to share the contents of our Site with other people or to let these other people know your consultation or your opinion relating to a content of our Site or on our applications. This is particularly the case of the buttons “Share” and “Like” from various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you with this button, even if you did not use this button during your consultation of our Site or applications. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow your browsing on our Site, simply because your account with the social network concerned was activated on your Terminal (open session) during your browsing on our Site. We have no control over the process used by the social networks to collect information relating to your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they have. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, including advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons. These protection policies must allow you to exercise your choices with these social networks, including setting up your accounts for each of these networks.

Advertising Cookies
These are Cookies filed by third party companies (e.g. partners) to identify your areas of interest and possibly customize the advertising offer that is sent to you on and outside our Site. They may be deposited by the sites of our commercial partners when you click in the advertising spaces of our Site. This type of Cookie may allow our business partners to track your browsing preferences. The refusal of these advertising cookies has no impact on the use of our Site.

How to manage Cookies on the Breedj website?
Several options are offered to manage the Cookies. Any setting you may undertake may change your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services or features requiring the use of Cookies. Depending on the type of Cookies you want to disable, your choices can be expressed in the following way:

Through the configuration of the browser software
You can configure your browsing software so that Cookies are stored in your Terminal (Cookies integrated into the pages and contents that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space in your Terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer) or, on the contrary, they may be rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer (certain necessary functionalities will no longer be accessible to navigate in certain areas of our Site or our applications). You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance or refusal of Cookies is offered to you punctually before a Cookies may be registered in your Terminal. For the management of Cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to change your choices regarding Cookies. 

Via the Google Analytics link
If you do not want Google Analytics to store data about you, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. To disable Google Analytics for the web, go to the Google Analytics opt-out page and install the add-on for your browser: