EOR Solutions

Mauritius Employer of Record (EOR) Services

Compliantly hire and pay employees in Mauritius. 

No in-country entity needed.

Breedj offers employer of record solutions in Mauritius. Through the Breedj platform, businesses of all sizes can compliantly hire and pay local nationals and expats alike.

Our platform provides a range of comprehensive solutions that simplifies EOR processes, allowing your business to operate seamlessly and in full compliance with local employment laws.

Ease of doing business in Mauritius

At Breedj, we are committed to simplifying your expansion to Mauritius, enabling you to focus on your core business activities while we manage the intricacies of local employment on your behalf.

Mauritius is ranked 13th out of 190 countries according to the latest World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. Its favorable position is a testament to the country’s business-friendly policies, streamlined processes, and a stable political environment. This attractiveness makes Mauritius a prime destination for international organizations seeking expansion opportunities.

The high ease of doing business rank indicates that Mauritius provides a conducive environment for global companies to establish and grow their presence. Key factors contributing to this ranking include a transparent regulatory framework, efficient tax regime, and robust intellectual property rights protection. The country’s strategic location as a gateway to African and Asian markets further enhances its appeal to multinational corporations.

By partnering with Breedj for Mauritius EOR services, your organization can capitalize on the favorable business climate without the need to navigate the intricacies of local regulations and compliance. Our EOR solutions enable you to focus on your core operations while we handle the administrative and legal aspects of employing local talent. 

Hiring in Mauritius

When looking to hire employees in Mauritius, global organizations have two primary options: setting up their own legal entity or opting for an employer of record (EOR) solution. Establishing a local subsidiary can be time-consuming, expensive, and requires thorough knowledge of the local employment laws and regulations. Additionally, there is always the risk of non-compliance, which can lead to financial and reputational damages.

In contrast, utilizing Breedj’s Mauritius EOR platform offers a more efficient and cost-effective approach to hiring local talent. Our EOR solutions not only ensure compliance with the strict local employment laws but also provide instant access to local expertise. 

Country fact sheet


Mauritian Rupee (MUR)


Port Louis


1.266 million (2021)


East Africa



Official languages

English and French

Compliance guaranteed

Breedj's local employment expertise in Mauritius

By partnering with Breedj, you can eliminate the need to establish an in-country entity, and thus, saving valuable time and resources while benefiting from our local expertise to guarantee full compliance for your business operations.

Our platform has been designed to seamlessly take care of every aspect of the local employment environment, while you focus on your core operations.

Employment contracts

We handle employment contracts for both global employees and contractors.

Guaranteed compliance

Breedj ensures full compliance with your workers' local labor laws.

Global payroll

Our platform ensures accurate and timely international salary payments.

Legal expertise

Leverage Breedj's extensive expertise to navigate diverse employment laws.

Tax & contributions

Breedj handles tax & mandatory contributions as required by local labor laws.

Multiple currencies

Your workers are paid in their local currency, directly to their bank account.

Statutory labor laws in Mauritius

Understanding and adhering to Mauritius’ statutory labor laws is crucial for any organization employing local talent. Here is a brief overview of some key aspects of labor regulations in the country:

Employee Probation Period: The probation period, typically ranging from 1 to 3 months, is defined under the employment contract. If the employer is not satisfied with the employee’s performance during probation, an extension may be granted for corrective measures and adjustments.

Annual Leave: Employees in Mauritius are generally entitled to 22 days of paid annual leave.

Maternity Leave: Female employees with more than 12 months of employment are entitled to 14 weeks of paid maternity leave, with 7 weeks before and 7 weeks after childbirth.

Paternity Leave: Fathers are eligible for 5 days of paid paternity leave.

Sick Leave: Employees are generally entitled to 15 days of paid sick leave per year.

Breedj’s employer of record services ensure your organization’s compliance with these and other local labor laws, minimizing the risk of legal disputes and penalties. By choosing Breedj as your EOR partner in Mauritius, you can confidently navigate the complexities of local employment regulations while focusing on your organization’s growth and success.

Labor regulations

Annual leave

22 days

Sick leave

15 days

Maternity leave

14 weeks

Paternity leave

5 days

Employee probation

Up to 3 months

Choose an EOR platform with a sustainable vision.

Become part of a collective effort to shape a more sustainable world and directly contribute to the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).

Social security in Mauritius

Social security contributions are an essential aspect of employment in Mauritius. Both employers and employees are required to contribute to various funds and schemes as part of their statutory obligations. Here is an overview of the primary social security contributions:

Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG): The National Pension Fund (NPF) has been replaced by the CSG since 1 September 2020. Contributions payable by employers and employees are based on specific remuneration brackets and are not capped.

National Solidarity Fund (NSF): Employers must contribute 2.5% of the monthly basic salary (capped), while employees contribute 1% (subject to a cap) of the monthly basic salary.

Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) Levy: Employers are required to contribute 1.5% of the monthly basic salary. For the period between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021, the HRDC levy contributions have been adjusted to 1% of the monthly basic salary.

Breedj’s Mauritius employer of record services ensures your organization’s compliance with local social security regulations. We manage the necessary contributions and reporting on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Choose Breedj as your EOR partner in Mauritius to guarantee seamless and compliant management of your employees’ social security obligations.

Breedj's platform

Current coverage

54 countries

Focus region


Salary payments

Supports multiple currencies

Time to market

Onboard workers in less than 24 hours

Related solutions


What they say about Breedj

Breedj streamlined our global hiring process, making it easy to find and pay remote talents. Our team loves how the platform handles payments and compliance.

George D. France

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Olivia S. United Kingdom

Thanks to Breedj, expanding our team internationally was a breeze. Their expertise in compliance and payroll made the whole experience stress-free and efficient.

Valorie A. Belgium

Breedj's platform is a game-changer for our remote workforce management. Their compliance solutions and excellent support team make the process stress-free.

Dieter G. Germany

Choosing Breedj was a smart move for our budget. Their affordable services allowed us to hire and pay global talent without breaking the bank. Good compliance solution.

Huang L. China

Breedj's cost-effective solutions transformed our hiring strategy. We save significantly on administrative expenses, making them an invaluable asset for our remote workforce needs.

Hannah M. Canada

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Yua H. Japan

As a startup, cost efficiency is paramount. Breedj not only helped us hire globally but also offered cost-effective solutions that positively impacted our bottom line. Truly grateful!

Isaac D. USA

Global expansion simplified

Confidently expand to Mauritius

Breedj stands out as the preferred global employment solutions provider for several reasons, offering organizations a competitive edge with a range of scalable global employment solutions.

Cost effective

Drastically reduce administrative and overhead costs related to managing global employees.

100% compliant

Stay up to date with the ever changing global legislations, policies and local labor laws.

Peace of mind

Get direct access to our global employment experts to mitigate legal risks and penalties.

Fast-track market entry

Bypass the complexities associated with establishing a branch office or in-country.

Help emerging countries

Encourage growth and uplift lesser served regions by giving a job to talented remote professionals.

Support United Nations development goals

Directly support at least four sustainable development goals, simply by using our platform.