Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Republic of Congo RPO Services

Compliantly source and find top talents in Republic of Congo. 

No in-country entity needed.

Breedj offers RPO solutions in the Republic of Congo. Through the Breedj platform, businesses of all sizes can compliantly find, hire and pay local nationals and expats alike.

Our platform provides a range of recruitment process outsourcing solutions that simplifies the processes, allowing your business to operate seamlessly and in full compliance with local employment laws.

Why hire talents from the Republic of Congo

The Republic of Congo has a literacy rate of 80.3%, according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. This means that the majority of the country’s population has the basic skills and knowledge needed to read, write, and understand complex information. As a result, the Republic of Congo has a well-educated workforce that is capable of adapting to different industries and job functions.

The Republic of Congo is home to a diverse range of ethnic groups and cultures, each with its unique talents and skills. This diversity provides global organizations with a rich pool of talent to choose from, allowing them to find candidates with the right combination of skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Another advantage of hiring talents from the Republic of Congo is the cost-effectiveness of doing so. The cost of living in the Republic of Congo is relatively low compared to other countries in the region, which means that salaries and benefits packages are generally lower than in other African countries or developed nations. This makes hiring talents from the Republic of Congo an attractive option for organizations looking to optimize their recruitment budget.

Hiring talents from the Republic of Congo offers many advantages for global organizations looking to expand their operations in the region. With a well-educated and diverse workforce, cost-effective salaries, and a strategic location in central Africa, the Republic of Congo is an ideal destination for organizations looking to tap into the region’s potential. With Breedj’s Republic of Congo RPO solutions, finding and hiring top local talents has never been easier.

Sourcing talents from the Republic of Congo

Scouting and sourcing talents in the Republic of Congo can be challenging for global organizations due to the country’s unique cultural and linguistic landscape. Traditional recruitment channels such as job boards, social media, and employee referrals are still effective in the Republic of Congo, but they may not be sufficient for organizations looking to find and hire top local talents quickly and efficiently.

At Breedj, we provide a comprehensive range of RPO solutions that are customized to meet the specific needs of each organization. Our sourcing solutions include a mix of traditional and innovative approaches, such as targeted advertising, database searches, and talent mapping. We also leverage our extensive local network and expertise to identify and attract passive candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but are open to exploring new career paths.

Our Republic of Congo RPO solutions also include advanced screening and assessment tools that help us identify the best candidates for each position. We use a combination of behavioral, competency, and skills-based assessments to ensure that candidates not only have the required technical skills but also the right soft skills and cultural fit.

Breedj’s RPO solutions are designed to streamline the recruitment process and reduce time-to-hire. We leverage our advanced recruitment technology, data analytics, and automation tools to minimize administrative tasks and eliminate inefficiencies. This allows us to deliver faster and more efficient recruitment outcomes that meet the needs of our clients.

Sourcing top local talents in the Republic of Congo requires a customized and innovative approach that takes into account the unique challenges and opportunities of the local recruitment landscape. With Breedj’s Republic of Congo RPO solutions, global organizations can access the best local talents quickly and efficiently, allowing them to achieve their recruitment goals and grow their operations in the region.

Country fact sheet


Central African CFA franc (XAF)




5.4 million (2021)


Central Africa



Official languages


Compliance guaranteed

Breedj's local employment expertise in the Republic of Congo

By partnering with Breedj, you can eliminate the need to establish an in-country entity, and thus, saving valuable time and resources while benefiting from our local expertise to guarantee full compliance for your business operations.

Our platform has been designed to seamlessly take care of every aspect of the local employment environment, while you focus on your core operations.

Employment contracts

We handle employment contracts for both global employees and contractors.

Guaranteed compliance

Breedj ensures full compliance with your workers' local labor laws.

Global payroll

Our platform ensures accurate and timely international salary payments.

Legal expertise

Leverage Breedj's extensive expertise to navigate diverse employment laws.

Tax & contributions

Breedj handles tax & mandatory contributions as required by local labor laws.

Multiple currencies

Your workers are paid in their local currency, directly to their bank account.

Employment laws and regulations in the Republic of Congo

When sourcing and hiring local talents in the Republic of Congo, it is essential for global organizations to be aware of the country’s employment laws and regulations. At Breedj, we ensure that all our recruitment processes comply with the local labor laws, providing our clients with peace of mind and minimizing legal risks.

Employment Contracts Best Practices in the Republic of Congo: In the Employment contracts are typically written and should include the following information:

  • Names and addresses of the employer and the employee
  • The job title, responsibilities, and place of work
  • The starting date and duration of the contract
  • The compensation package, including the salary, benefits, and any other entitlements
  • The working hours, overtime policy, and annual leave entitlements
  • The probation period, if applicable
  • The notice period for termination, as well as any severance pay entitlements
  • Any other relevant terms and conditions

Breedj recommends that employment contracts be written in French, which is the official language of the Republic of Congo, and that they be reviewed by legal experts to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Employee Probation Period: In the Republic of Congo, the probation period for employees can vary depending on the duration of the contract. For contracts that are less than or equal to six months, the probation period cannot exceed 15 days. For contracts that are longer than six months, the probation period cannot exceed one month. The maximum duration of the probation period, including renewals, is six months.

Working Hours: The legal working time of employees cannot exceed 40 hours per week, regardless of the nature of the work or the establishment. This includes public and private establishments, as well as those that are directed towards education or charity.

Overtime: Overtime work in the is compensated according to the following rules:

  • 30% increase for the first six hours worked after the legal working time limit
  • 60% increase for subsequent hours worked
  • 100% increase for overtime work performed on the weekly rest day

At Breedj, we ensure that all our recruitment processes comply with the local labor laws, including employment contracts, probation periods, working hours, and overtime regulations. We leverage our extensive local expertise and network to provide our clients with a comprehensive understanding of the local labor laws and regulations, helping them minimize legal risks and maximize compliance.

Labor regulations

Annual leave

26 days

Sick leave

15 days

Maternity leave

15 weeks

Paternity leave


Employee probation

15 days to 1 month

Choose a RPO platform with a tangible impact.

Become part of a collective effort to shape a more sustainable world and directly contribute to the United Nations Development Goals (SDGs).

Employment termination in the Republic of Congo

Employment termination policies and practices in the Republic of Congo must comply with the country’s labor laws and regulations. At Breedj, we ensure that all our recruitment processes and employment termination practices are legally compliant and minimize the risks of legal disputes.

General Termination of Employment Policies: The notice period for employment termination in the Republic of Congo is generally 14 working days, unless the parties or the collective agreement stipulate a longer period. The notice period begins on the day after the notification, where the notice is given by the employer. The notice period is increased by seven working days per full year of continuous service, counted from date to date.

There is no statutory severance pay in the Republic of Congo, unless otherwise specified in the employment contract or the collective agreement.

Notice Period: The notice period for employment termination in the Republic of Congo is generally 14 working days, unless the parties or the collective agreement stipulate a longer period. The notice period begins on the day after the notification, where the notice is given by the employer. The notice period is increased by seven working days per full year of continuous service, counted from date to date.

Severance Pay: There is no statutory severance pay in the Republic of Congo, unless otherwise specified in the employment contract or the collective agreement.

At Breedj, we ensure that our employment termination practices comply with the local labor laws and regulations in the Republic of Congo. We provide our clients with expert guidance on the legal requirements for employment termination, including notice periods and severance pay entitlements. We also leverage our extensive local network and expertise to minimize the risks of legal disputes and ensure that our clients’ interests are protected.

Employment termination in the Republic of Congo is subject to the country’s labor laws and regulations, which must be adhered to by global organizations. With Breedj’s RPO solutions, our clients can rest assured that their employment termination practices are legally compliant and minimize the risks of legal disputes.

Breedj's platform

Current coverage

54 countries

Focus region


Salary payments

Supports multiple currencies

Time to market

Onboard workers in less than 24 hours

Related solutions


What they say about Breedj

Breedj streamlined our global hiring process, making it easy to find and pay remote talents. Our team loves how the platform handles payments and compliance.

George D. France

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Olivia S. United Kingdom

Thanks to Breedj, expanding our team internationally was a breeze. Their expertise in compliance and payroll made the whole experience stress-free and efficient.

Valorie A. Belgium

Breedj's platform is a game-changer for our remote workforce management. Their compliance solutions and excellent support team make the process stress-free.

Dieter G. Germany

Choosing Breedj was a smart move for our budget. Their affordable services allowed us to hire and pay global talent without breaking the bank. Good compliance solution.

Huang L. China

Breedj's cost-effective solutions transformed our hiring strategy. We save significantly on administrative expenses, making them an invaluable asset for our remote workforce needs.

Hannah M. Canada

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Yua H. Japan

As a startup, cost efficiency is paramount. Breedj not only helped us hire globally but also offered cost-effective solutions that positively impacted our bottom line. Truly grateful!

Isaac D. USA

Global expansion simplified

Confidently expand to the Republic of Congo

Breedj stands out as the preferred global employment solutions provider for several reasons, offering organizations a competitive edge with a range of scalable global employment solutions.

Cost effective

Drastically reduce administrative and overhead costs related to managing global employees.

100% compliant

Stay up to date with the ever changing global legislations, policies and local labor laws.

Peace of mind

Get direct access to our global employment experts to mitigate legal risks and penalties.

Fast-track market entry

Bypass the complexities associated with establishing a branch office or in-country.

Help emerging countries

Encourage growth and uplift lesser served regions by giving a job to talented remote professionals.

Support United Nations development goals

Directly support at least four sustainable development goals, simply by using our platform.