International hiring solutions

Hiring in Morocco

Compliantly hire and pay employees in Morocco. 

No in-country entity needed.

Hiring in Morocco presents a unique opportunity for global organizations seeking to expand their presence in North Africa. This culturally rich and economically diverse nation offers a strategic gateway to both Europe and Africa. Understanding Morocco’s distinct job market is vital for success in this region.

Morocco’s job market reflects a blend of tradition and modernity, with a skilled workforce proficient in multiple languages. Its strategic location, coupled with government incentives for foreign investors, makes it an attractive destination for international companies. To navigate this landscape successfully, global organizations must grasp the intricacies of Morocco’s labor market, from its workforce profile to labor trends and compliance requirements.

Common challenges when recruiting in Morocco

Hiring in Morocco can be a rewarding endeavor, but it does come with its share of challenges. Understanding these challenges and having effective solutions in place is crucial for international organizations looking to expand their operations in this dynamic market.

Regulatory complexity: Morocco has intricate labor laws and regulations. Navigating the legal landscape for hiring, contracts, and employment can be challenging for foreign businesses. Partnering with local legal experts or HR consultants who understand Moroccan labor laws can help organizations ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.

Language barrier: While French is widely spoken in business, Arabic is the official language. Finding candidates proficient in both languages can be a hurdle. Offering language training programs to employees can bridge the language gap and improve communication within the workplace.

Talent shortages: Certain specialized skills may be in high demand, leading to competition for qualified professionals. Expanding recruitment efforts to include online platforms, local job boards, and university partnerships can help identify a wider pool of talent.

Breedj offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to assist global organizations in hiring compliantly in Morocco. Our expertise in local regulations, extensive network of professionals, and language services ensure that you can overcome the challenges of hiring in Morocco with confidence. We provide end-to-end support, from recruitment to onboarding, making your expansion into this market smoother and more successful.

Morocco's workforce profile

Morocco boasts a diverse and dynamic workforce with key characteristics that impact hiring decisions for international organizations.

Education levels: Morocco has made significant investments in education, resulting in a growing pool of well-educated professionals. The country’s universities and technical institutions produce graduates in various fields, including engineering, business, and technology. International organizations can tap into this talent pool to find skilled workers.

Bilingual skills: Morocco’s bilingual proficiency in French and Arabic is an asset for global companies. French is commonly used in business and administration, while Arabic serves as the official language. This linguistic versatility is advantageous when conducting operations in North Africa and the Middle East, making Morocco a strategic hub for multilingual recruitment.

Specialization: Morocco has seen specialization in industries such as automotive manufacturing, aerospace, and IT services. The government’s focus on promoting these sectors has led to the availability of specialized talent. International organizations looking for professionals with industry-specific skills can find them in Morocco.

Youthful workforce: Morocco has a relatively young population, with a significant percentage under 30 years old. This youthful workforce is often eager to embrace new technologies and innovations, making them well-suited for industries seeking fresh perspectives and adaptability.

For international organizations, understanding Morocco’s workforce profile is essential for strategic talent acquisition. Leveraging the country’s educated and multilingual workforce, along with its specialization in key sectors, can provide a competitive edge when expanding operations or setting up new ventures in Morocco.

Country fact sheet


Moroccan dirham (MAD)




36.9 million (2021)


North Africa



Official languages

French, Arabic

Compliance guaranteed

Breedj's local employment expertise in Morocco

By partnering with Breedj, you can eliminate the need to establish an in-country entity, and thus, saving valuable time and resources while benefiting from our local expertise to guarantee full compliance for your business operations.

Our platform has been designed to seamlessly take care of every aspect of the local employment environment, while you focus on your core operations.

Employment contracts

We handle employment contracts for both global employees and contractors.

Guaranteed compliance

Breedj ensures full compliance with your workers' local labor laws.

Global payroll

Our platform ensures accurate and timely international salary payments.

Legal expertise

Leverage Breedj's extensive expertise to navigate diverse employment laws.

Tax & contributions

Breedj handles tax & mandatory contributions as required by local labor laws.

Multiple currencies

Your workers are paid in their local currency, directly to their bank account.

Public holidays in Morocco

Understanding the public holidays in Morocco is crucial for businesses operating in the country. Here is a list of official public holidays, along with their names and dates:

  • New Year’s Day (Jour de l’An) – January 1st
  • Labor Day (Fête du Travail) – May 1st
  • Throne Day (Fête du Trône) – July 30th
  • Revolution of the King and People (Révolution du Roi et du Peuple) – August 20th
  • Oued Ed-Dahab Day (Fête de la Marche Verte) – November 6th
  • Independence Day (Fête de l’Indépendance) – November 18th
  • Eid al-Fitr (Aïd el-Fitr) – Date varies depending on the Islamic lunar calendar
  • Eid al-Adha (Aïd el-Adha) – Date varies depending on the Islamic lunar calendar
  • Islamic New Year (Ras as-Sanah al-Hijriyah) – Date varies depending on the Islamic lunar calendar
  • Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (Mawlid al-Nabi) – Date varies depending on the Islamic lunar calendar


It’s important to note that some Islamic holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Islamic New Year, and Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday, follow the lunar calendar, so their dates change each year. Businesses should plan accordingly, as these holidays may result in altered work schedules and office closures.

Being aware of these public holidays is essential for international organizations hiring in Morocco. Understanding the local holiday calendar can help with scheduling, business planning, and respecting cultural and religious observances.

Labor regulations

Annual leave

24 days

Sick leave

54 days

Maternity leave

14 weeks

Paternity leave

3 days

Employee probation

Up to 3 months

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Morocco labor market trends

The labor market in Morocco is dynamic and offers opportunities and challenges for both local and international organizations. Here are insights into current labor market trends in the country:

Youthful workforce: Morocco has a relatively young population, with a significant portion of its workforce below the age of 30. This youth demographic provides a valuable pool of talent and potential for innovation, making Morocco an attractive destination for businesses seeking fresh perspectives.

Diverse industries: The Moroccan labor market spans a range of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and services. In recent years, the government has invested in developing sectors like automotive manufacturing, aerospace, and renewable energy, contributing to job growth in these areas.

Language skills: Arabic and French are the official languages of Morocco. French proficiency is especially valuable for international businesses operating in the country, as it is often used in the business and administrative sectors.

Technical and vocational training: Morocco has been working to enhance its technical and vocational education system to address skills gaps in the labor market. This emphasis on training is helping to produce a workforce with more specialized skills in areas such as engineering, information technology, and healthcare.

Digital transformation: Like many countries, Morocco is experiencing a digital transformation. This shift has increased demand for professionals with expertise in information technology, data analysis, and digital marketing.

Investment in green energy: Morocco has made substantial investments in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind farms. As a result, there is a growing demand for talent in the renewable energy sector, including engineers and environmental specialists.

E-commerce and logistics: The e-commerce industry is on the rise in Morocco, driven by increased internet penetration. Companies in this sector require skilled professionals in logistics, digital marketing, and customer service.

Entrepreneurship: Morocco has been fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, with initiatives to support startups and small businesses. This has led to a growing demand for business development and innovation-focused roles.

Understanding these labor market trends in Morocco is essential for organizations looking to hire and operate successfully in the country. Adapting to the evolving workforce and industry landscape will be key to harnessing the nation’s potential for growth and development.

Breedj's platform

Current coverage

54 countries

Focus region


Salary payments

Supports multiple currencies

Time to market

Onboard workers in less than 24 hours

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What they say about Breedj

Breedj streamlined our global hiring process, making it easy to find and pay remote talents. Our team loves how the platform handles payments and compliance.

George D. France

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Olivia S. United Kingdom

Thanks to Breedj, expanding our team internationally was a breeze. Their expertise in compliance and payroll made the whole experience stress-free and efficient.

Valorie A. Belgium

Breedj's platform is a game-changer for our remote workforce management. Their compliance solutions and excellent support team make the process stress-free.

Dieter G. Germany

Choosing Breedj was a smart move for our budget. Their affordable services allowed us to hire and pay global talent without breaking the bank. Good compliance solution.

Huang L. China

Breedj's cost-effective solutions transformed our hiring strategy. We save significantly on administrative expenses, making them an invaluable asset for our remote workforce needs.

Hannah M. Canada

Effortlessly paying our global team is now possible, thanks to Breedj's reliable and secure payroll system. Trustworthy partner for any organization working with remote employees.

Yua H. Japan

As a startup, cost efficiency is paramount. Breedj not only helped us hire globally but also offered cost-effective solutions that positively impacted our bottom line. Truly grateful!

Isaac D. USA

Global expansion simplified

Confidently expand to Morocco

Breedj stands out as the preferred global employment solutions provider for several reasons, offering organizations a competitive edge with a range of scalable global employment solutions.

Cost effective

Drastically reduce administrative and overhead costs related to managing global employees.

100% compliant

Stay up to date with the ever changing global legislations, policies and local labor laws.

Peace of mind

Get direct access to our global employment experts to mitigate legal risks and penalties.

Fast-track market entry

Bypass the complexities associated with establishing a branch office or in-country.

Help emerging countries

Encourage growth and uplift lesser served regions by giving a job to talented remote professionals.

Support United Nations development goals

Directly support at least four sustainable development goals, simply by using our platform.